[WordPress Plugin] 在 Contact Form 7 使用下拉式選單(select)、checkbox 與 radio

要在 Contact Form 7 使用下拉式選單(select)的話可以像這樣寫:

[select your-country "China" "India" "San Marino"]

第二個參數一樣可以把值透過 email 傳出去,後面幾個則是可以設定下拉式選單的選項。


Option Examples Description
id:(id) id:foo id attribute value of the select element.
class:(class) class:bar class attribute value of the select element. To set two or more classes, you can use multiple class: option.
default:(num) default:2
Preselected options. The integer following default: is the position in the order of items. 1 is the first one. If you want to make two or more items selected, joint integers with underbar (_), as default:1_2_3.
multiple   Make the drop-down menu multi-selectable.
include_blank   Insert a blank item into the top of options of this drop-down menu.
first_as_label   Use the first value as a label.
data:(name) data:countries Get the values from Listo.


checkbox 及 radio 很像,差在前面的類型不一樣而已。

[checkbox your-country "China" "India" "San Marino"]


Option Examples Description
id:(id) id:foo id attribute value of the wrapper element.
class:(class) class:bar class attribute value of the wrapper element. To set two or more classes, you can use multiple class: option.
default:(num) default:2
Preselected options. The integer following default: is the position in the order of items. 1 is the first one. If you want to make two or more items selected, joint integers with underbar (_), as default:1_2_3.
label_first   By default, a checkbox or a radio button are put first, and a label last. By adding label_first option, you can reverse them.
use_label_element   Wrap each checkbox and radio button with <label> tag.
exclusive   Make checkboxes exclusive. This means, when you select a checkbox in a group, others will be cleared, so the group accepts the zero-selected or one-selected state only. This is a JavaScript gimmick so doesn’t work without JavaScript. radio form-tags don’t support this option.
free_text   Append a free input text field to the last item.
data:(name) data:countries Get the values from Listo.


Checkboxes, radio buttons, and menus



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