如果要把頁面給印出來,可能會遇到 video 沒辦法看的情況,這邊我使用 js 先把 video 轉成圖片後,應該就可以避免這個情況,記錄一下這段 code。
$("video").each(function(){ var video = $(this).get(0); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); // set the canvas size canvas.width = video.videoWidth; canvas.height = video.videoHeight; // get the drawing context of the canvas and add the video as an image // this will render the current frame inside the canvas canvas.getContext('2d') .drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // create an image element var img = document.createElement("img"); // set the image source as the base64 string representation // of the content found in the canvas img.src = canvas.toDataURL(); $(this).after(img) $(this).hide() })