如果要在 Pageable 捲動的時候判斷目前是在哪邊,可以用內建的方法來抓,其內建的方法有:
onst pages = new Pageable("#container"); pages.on("init", data => { // do something when the instance is ready }); pages.on("update", data => { // do something when the instance is updated // this event also fires when the screen size changes }); pages.on("scroll.before", data => { // do something before scrolling starts // this event will fire when the defined delay begins // e.g. if the delay is set to 400, this event will // fire 400ms BEFORE the "scroll.start" event fires }); pages.on("scroll.start", data => { // do something when scrolling starts // this event will fire when the defined delay ends // e.g. if the delay is set to 400, this event will // fire 400ms AFTER the "scroll.before" event fires }); pages.on("scroll", data => { // do something during scroll }); pages.on("scroll.end", data => { // do something when scrolling ends });
所以說如果我要知道捲動結束後的點,就可以抓 scroll.end 這個事件, console.log(data)後會抓到類似這樣的內容:
{index: 1, percent: 99.81222222222222, scrolled: 421.2075777777778, max: 422}
所以要知道是在第幾個,就抓 data.index 就好了,index 是從 0 開始的。