Pageable- 好用的一頁式捲動(one page scroll) javascript library

做網站一定會有遇到需要做捲動一次滑鼠滾輪頁面就捲動一頁的效果,如果要這個效果可以參考 Pageable 這隻 javascript library。


配置 html

<div id="container">
    <div data-anchor="Page 1"></div>
    <div data-anchor="Page 2"></div>
    <div data-anchor="Page 3"></div>
    <div data-anchor="Page 4"></div>


new Pageable("#container");


new Pageable("#container", {
    childSelector: "[data-anchor]" // CSS3 selector string for the pages
    anchors: [], // define the page anchors
    pips: true, // display the pips
    animation: 300, // the duration in ms of the scroll animation
    delay: 0, // the delay in ms before the scroll animation starts
    throttle: 50, // the interval in ms that the resize callback is fired
    orientation: "vertical", // or horizontal
    swipeThreshold: 50, // swipe / mouse drag distance (px) before firing the page change event
    freeScroll: false, // allow manual scrolling when dragging instead of automatically moving to next page
    navPrevEl: false, // define an element to use to scroll to the previous page (CSS3 selector string or Element reference)
    navNextEl: false, // define an element to use to scroll to the next page (CSS3 selector string or Element reference)
    infinite: false, // enable infinite scrolling (from 0.4.0)
    slideshow: { // enable slideshow that cycles through your pages automatically (from 0.4.0)
        interval: 3000, // time in ms between page change,
        delay: 0 // delay in ms after the interval has ended and before changing page
    events: {
        wheel: true, // enable / disable mousewheel scrolling
        mouse: true, // enable / disable mouse drag scrolling
        touch: true, // enable / disable touch / swipe scrolling
        keydown: true, // enable / disable keyboard navigation
    easing: function(currentTime, startPos, endPos, interval) {
        // the easing function used for the scroll animation
        return -endPos * (currentTime /= interval) * (currentTime - 2) + startPos;
    onInit: function() {
        // do something when the instance is ready
    onUpdate: function() {
        // do something when the instance updates
    onBeforeStart: function() {
        // do something before scrolling begins
    onStart: function() {
        // do something when scrolling begins
    onScroll: function() {
        // do something during scroll
    onFinish: function() {
        // do something when scrolling ends



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本課程專為希望深入了解 HTML 並有效結合 SEO 策略的學員設計。我們將重點放在 HTML 的深度學習與應用上,同時穿插介紹如何透過搜索引擎優化提升網站能見度。透過即時互動式的直播教學,加上 ChatGPT 的輔助,您將學習到如何建立一個結構優良、美觀且符合 SEO 標準的網站。這不僅會提升網站的用戶體驗,還會大幅提高網站的搜索引擎排名,進而增加訪客流量和潛在客戶。
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用AI強化職場競爭力 ChatGPT、Midjourney從入門到精通

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GitHub Copilot AI 程式碼編輯工具應用實務班

讓學員瞭解有效地使用該工具來加速開發流程、提高程式碼品質和生產力。課程重點放在以 JavaScript 程式語言為例,介紹 Copilot 的基本原理、使用方法和最佳實踐。

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