My ACT Forests CAD mapping workstation using the miro monitor and 2nd one for text command or navigation.

Taken with polarising filter on the Minolta. Looks like Hyles Block on the screen! ACT Forests Planning Systems 1. Introduction. The systems currently used by ACT Forests for tactical and strategic planning, database management and mapping are currently under review. These systems currently include those operated at the weighbridge ie the docket system and FORLOG; inventory, forest growth models, harvesting management model, estate model, forest database and mapping GIS The current systems are of differing ages and run on different operating sytems, DOS or UNiX. 2. Current Systems - Description and Problems. 2.1. Docket system. This system is DOS based and is a compiled basic programme that is neither year 2000 compliant or supported. It records timber movements and provides hard copy for the contractors, mill and forest owners. This information provides input into FORLOG The programme could have been up graded to run on Windows NT or Windows 95. The decision was made not to do this. The revision of FORLOG means that this programme no longer provides reliable input as array sizes are too small. Time is lost as numerous changes are required in the input data before the accounts can Twin monitors both with polarising anti-glare filters. I got what I needed for all my AutoCADll mapping.. The Dept was concerned with occupational health and safety including Low Frequency radiation from computer monitors. So was I as I raised the issue.
