Parliament House Canberra, opened in 1988.

Australian National Parliament House from a little way off with the 250mm Hassy lens. You should see the original scan! Can zoom in on the people...They were the days you could walk around up there. note to another aerial photographer... I had an expensive hand made mount made by Carl Zelman in Canberra, for my work Hasselblad in the late 70s. I may have an image of the set up in my slide collection. Was able to level it, rotate it, and with a gun-sight in the other hole in the aircraft floor, could look ahead and aim and time the image gap between shots for 60% overlaps. But the gun-sight image was mirror imaged, reversed through a prism, and I got disorientated! And air sick! The forward hole let in exhaust fumes as we took off, which wasn't a good omen, it was even worse during the landing approach as the pilot adjusted fuel mixtures and idled in. I had a sheet of aerial photogrammetry glass mounted on an O-ring over the camera hole, but fumes still got in. I later used a different aircraft. I could recognise the terrain as it approached, from having drawn all the maps from aerial photos, and pre-planning the flight plan. I even had an HP67 calculator program I wrote to work out the flight altitude and speed to get the correct overlap, but it turned out easier to shoot and guess. I originally had an Intervolometer to fire the camera after timing the shots with a stop watch on a test pass. I then tried hand holding with a Hassy twin grip handles, and just pointed the camera through the hole in the floor! I had this method for years. I could watch the terrain approach, from 5000 to 10,000feet, with 250mm and or 100mm lenses and got the overlap and all the shots i needed. I shot out open windows and through open helicopter doors, and always just hand held. Gave away the idea of using 70mm aerial film early, took too long to load and process, so just used two 120 mags loaded with 120 E6 or C41 Kodak film. (B9R203 Parl Hse flag 40mm vert Five) Note in 1978 diary about day flying around Hughes, Uriarra, Blundells burnt areas, PCk, Kowen, over the gorge, new airstrip, to IFP Long Gully Pines, with the door off and got back feeling woosey, took the film up to Can Lab at Dickson for processing! And to home! 10-1-78
