Stereo pair on S slopes of Black Mt

Parallel viewing L R stereo pair. Eye base was about a foot, or 20cm or so, like a member said, rock from left to right foot. I used to take 100s of stereo pairs in the Cotter Catchment to record experimental plots. Used a Hasselblad mounted on a Combo?? rail and quick release clamp, on a Gitzo tripod, so I could slide the camera along a 75cm eye base, depending on the stereo exaggeration needed. Recording for ACT Forests, in Namadgi, before it all burnt down in 2003. Using the iPad, you can squeeze the image smaller to accommodate the separation of your eyes until you get a merged image. see below in my comments! see some caving stereo images.. at the WASG site. see an explanation of Stereo photography here.. see the current Hasselblad story...
