Red Shouldered Hawk - Pierce

Red Shouldered Hawk - Pierce 相簿

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Pierce, fell or was ejected from his nest. Animal rescue came and took him to a vet. When better he will be brought back to be released. I will keep you all updated on his progress. Vet just called and he will be brought back tomorrow to be released back into his original habitat. Luckily he is healthy and just has a bruised wing. So, they came back and released the baby hawk. He hung out in the tree a while then went back to the woodland floor. Mother found him and came down to feed him (there will be a video) and then after a few frustrating attempts, taught him to fly up to a low branch. So happy it all worked out for the little guy and that we got to experience it all. Oh, and he is called Pierce after MASH - Hawkeye Pierce :)