Generate a course cover. I'm Lead Engineer

Generate a course cover. I'm Lead Engineer, JavaScript enthusiastic, Problem Solver, Expertise in SPA. I specialize in single-page applications built on top of Vue.js. I have been a professional web developer for 10 years. I have been involved and experienced in many ecosystems such as image processing, data visualization, e-commerce, vehicle automation and video call applications. I have hands-on experience in how to scale, maintain, and manage a frontend application. I gave seminars and gave speeches about SPA applications. I'm capable of using technologies that are associated with JavaScript. I have been leading a team with different timezones for 2 years and have experience in how to connect people, manage their work, help their long-term goals, orchestrate a team and build a company culture. --seed 6192 - Image #1 @Abdullah Mara | Superpeer
