Envision a diligent student immersed in the process of academic writing

Envision a diligent student immersed in the process of academic writing, seated at a traditional wooden desk cluttered with an array of books, scattered notes, and a sleek, modern laptop. The student, engrossed in their work, is penning a paper, their hand moving swiftly over the page. The laptop, a symbol of modern technology, prominently displays the GPT-4 logo on its screen, signifying its role in facilitating the writing process. The scene should be a harmonious blend of traditional academic elements and the innovative influence of AI. Subtle artistic elements such as radiant beams of inspiration emanating from the laptop and a glowing light bulb hovering above the student's head should be incorporated to symbolize the transformative impact of GPT-4 on the writing process. The image should be rendered in hyper-realistic detail, with a high-resolution 16k quality. The lighting should be soft and warm, casting a gentle glow on the scene, and the color palette should be rich and inviting, with a balance of warm and cool tones. The composition should be captured from a slightly elevated angle, using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR camera with an EF 50mm f/1.8 STM lens, to give a comprehensive view of the scene. --ar 16:9 --v 5.1 --style raw --q 2 --s 750
